Squash Blossom Special

vintage squash blossom turquoise ring

Authentic turquoise squash blossom necklace photo by Elise Anthony, available at The Joy Store at Bowie Trade City

File this under pretty lovelies we’d like to own: vintage or new, authentic turquoise squash-blossom necklaces are the kind of heirloom pieces that your family will fight over.

Named after the silver buds that line semi- precious materials such as turquoise, coral, white buffalo and even mother of pearl, it takes a trained eye to discern what’s new, what’s old, what’s truly Native American, what’s imported, and what’s fake or silver-plated at best.

Hint: The real thing will set you back like a mortgage payment.

My mom, Joy, has been selling old and new turquoise and silver rings, bangles, necklaces and other pieces for more than 10 years and just when we think we’ve seen it all, we discover something new (or old, actually).

She’s typically at Bowie Trade City in Bowie, Texas, during the Second Monday weekend.

If you see her, say hi, and ask her about her favorite piece in her pop-up shop, and the ring you can’t buy.

— Elise

One response to “Squash Blossom Special”

  1. […] an authentic squash blossom necklace is an investment that usually spans from $1k to $10k plus, new and old, depending on the artist, […]